Bringing STEM Teachers to the West

This project is designed to address the critical shortage of science, technology, maths and engineering (STEM) expertise in Australian schools.

This cycle threatens the skillsets, prospects and opportunities for our next generations to join STEM fields, and our national workforce capabilities in an increasingly competitive world.

As part of our 2021 Cohort of 172 new Associate teachers, Teach for Australia are placing 82 STEM specialist teachers nationally. But a major challenge for our program is not just getting STEM-qualified professionals into schools -but helping them thrive with their unique bespoke coaching and support model. Including:

  • Coaching, training, mentoring for four of these STEM-specialist teachers in Melbourne’s west;
  • Stronger partnerships with their schools.

Development programming that creates outstanding classroom educators.

About Teach For Australia

Established in 2009, Teach For Australia’s vision is an Australia where education gives every child, regardless of background, greater choice for their future. Research tells that quality teaching and leadership are major factors in raising student and school outcomes; there the focus is on getting great people into classrooms to make a difference.